by Anna Ouyang Moench

"This exquisitely subtle, luminous, elegiac father-and-daughter drama is not to be missed." -Broadway World

Birds of North America by Anna Ouyang Moench is a poignant two-character drama that unfolds over more than a decade in a backyard in Baltimore County, Maryland. The play follows John, a scientist and avid birder, and his daughter Caitlyn, a copy editor for a conservative news outlet, as they reconnect year after year through their shared ritual of birdwatching.

Their conversations range from climate change to career ambitions, relationships, and politics, revealing both deep ideological divides and unspoken love. As they track the birds that migrate through the yard, they also navigate the shifting seasons of their own lives—sometimes in sync, often at odds.

Through brief, naturalistic scenes, the play captures the passage of time and the weight of things left unsaid. The birds they observe become metaphors for change, loss, and the fleeting nature of connection. With humor, tension, and tenderness, Birds of North America explores the complexities of family, generational differences, and the struggle to find common ground in an ever-changing world.

Birds of North America runs from April 12th to May 18th, 2025!

"BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA" is presented through special arrangement with TRW PLAYS 1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640, New York, NY 10036.

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About the Show


Birds of North America is presented in our new TOTE BlackBox format.


Birds of North America is a one-act play, and its run time is approximately 1 hour 45 minutes with no intermission.


Birds of North America contains use of profanity and mature themes. Parental guidance is suggested.


Marco DiGeorge

Marco DiGeorge

Director / Producer
Ensemble Member

Marco DiGeorge’s love for teaching and the arts has led him to the various endeavors he is involved with today, including Co-Founder and Teacher at Truthful Acting Studios, Adjunct Professor with the UCF Film Program, and one of the founding members and Artistic Director of Theater On The Edge. After an amazing experience producing season one with plays such as American Buffalo, Tape, and Superior Donuts, Marco directed the critically acclaimed Orphans and Proof in season two, and Boom and Edward Albee's The Goat or, Who is Sylvia? in Season Three - and was back onstage with TOTE's last production of Talk Radio as Barry Champlaign. Marco also enjoys working side-by-side with his amazing wife, Samantha, as she continues to push the envelope with her cinematic set design.

Sam DiGeorge

Art/Set Designer
Ensemble Member 

Aside from her role as Director of Operations for Truthful Acting Studios, where she takes care of all business operations, Sam’s love for creativity and design has propelled her into her new passion as Artistic Designer for Theater On The Edge, where she is also one of the founding members. Sam has a love for transforming and repurposing anything and everything artistic that she can get her hands on, and her hyper-realistic sets from season one received much acclaim, including American Buffalo's 1970s junk shop, Tape's seedy Motel 6 room, the Superior Donuts shop and a 1989 North Philadelphia row-house for the critically acclaimed Orphans. She is grateful to be a part of such a creative team and working alongside her husband Marco.

Payton Hubert

Assistant Director

Coming soon...


Elaitheia Quinn

Ensemble Member

Allan Whitehead

Allan Whitehead

Ensemble Member


Anna Ouyang Moench


Allan Whitehead

Allan Whitehead

Executive Producer
Ensemble Member

Kelly Louton


Marco DiGeorge

Marco DiGeorge

Tech Design
Ensemble Member

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