Theater On The Edge has received 17 nominations in 8 different categories for the 2018 BroadwayWorld Orlando Awards!
Please take a moment and help our theater out by going to the link below and placing your vote. Thank you for your support!
Our nominations are:
Best Director of a Play (Non-Professional)
- Marco DiGeorge, Orphans, TOTE
- Marco DiGeorge, Proof, TOTE
Best Set Design (Non-Professional)
- Samantha DiGeorge, Gidion's Knot, TOTE
- Samantha DiGeorge, Orphans, TOTE
- Samantha DiGeorge, Proof, TOTE
Best Play (Non-Professional)
- Orphans, TOTE
- Proof, TOTE
Best Lead Actor in a Play (Non-Professional)
- Adam Minossora, Orphans, TOTE
- Allan Whitehead, Orphans, TOTE
Best Lead Actress in a Play (Non-Professional)
- Krystal Glover, Gidion's Knot, TOTE
- Megan Raitano, Proof, TOTE
- Natalie Bulajic, Gidion's Knot, TOTE
Best Ensemble (Non-Professional)
- Orphans, TOTE
- Proof, TOTE
Best Supporting Actor in a Play (Professional)
- Allan Whitehead, Proof, TOTE
- Zack Roundy, Orphans, TOTE
Best Supporting Actress in a Play (Professional)
- Elaitheia Quinn, Proof, TOTE